1. At the moment in Estonia - it's so ridiculous. I go to school when it's dark and also go home in the dark. Like, what the hell!? Yeah, I know more to December 25th the darker it gets and after it's get lighter each day. Not that I'm against darkness or something but during school days it is annoying. It makes me feel so much more tired when I go home in the dark and also it feels like school day is forever. Well, it kind of is. I have around 8 lessons every day, so I get home at 4PM or such. But still!
2. Like last week I my toes were icy all the time WHEN I WAS INSIDE THE HOUSE. Like when I have home sick, I wore like a T-shirt, PJ-pants, a night gown and a really big blouse on top of it all and I was still freezing - had to grab a blanket. And you know what they did yesterday?!? They turned up the heat to the bottom. Last night there was like 30 degrees inside. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?! There is seriously lack of air and we cannot really open the windows much because as you know I'm sick and my dad has a fever too, so basically 2/3 of my family is sick or something. And this morning when I was outside and came in for a bit. When, I opened the door it felt like sauna. There was like puff or heat or something. The landlord is obviously and idiot. I mean, who does that?!?! His or her little stunts costs up + the heating bills aren't very smally (DAMN YOU CENTRAL HEATING!)
Good to get those things out of my chest. Sorry for the bad words ^.^
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. 잘자!
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