Hello, my lovelies!
So, without long and pointless intro, I'll cut to the chase XD
Last post I did on...Wendsday, so the first thing and the most important thing is that for THE first time in MY life I went to an opera or went to see it or....what ever XD Anyways, had a long day at school. Okay, maybe not that long but 6h before I got home to change and wash-up. But before, me and dad went to the store. I got too pick up some food for school and other snacks. I think, you all know that I don't eat in school but lately I have more and more. That's not the point XD
Anyways, I found out that sometimes I'm a regular woman XD When I needed to get ready, I needed more that 2 hours XDD Okay-okay, it's not that bad because I also ate, put my bag together and did other stuff. Basically two hours before the show I had to be in the bus stop so my private bus could pick me up XDD There I met up with MP - she lives also in the city center, so it was easier to meet there. She looks really-really great but not really for the winter weather. (I'll add pictures)
Of course we had to stop at the McDonald's before we went to the theater XD But I have to say that Hesburger's chickenburger is better than at McDonald's. Anyways, the opera itself...
...well, it was definitely different XD The biggest surprise was that the two male leads were Asians. Well, to my dear classmates they were Japanese -.- Actually, it was Chinese and Korean. They were brothers in that play and they were separated at a very young age. The younger one (Chinese) was kidnapped by a gypsy who sought revenge for her mother who was burned alive. She wanted to do the same and throw the infant into the fire but, I didn't quite understand whether he felt sorry for the little boy or threw her own child there by accident, anyways, she ended up raising him as her own. The two brothers met because they fell in love with the same girl (go figure!) and almost killed each other but the younger one froze but when the elder one stabbed him, the "mother" savored him. The two brothers met again when their loved one almost became a nun but the younger one saved her and they were about to marry when the older one captured the "mother" and the younger went to save her. They ended up in prison. The girl send her love out to him XD and eventually traded herself for the younger one's freedom and drank poison. Then there was a REALLY long scene when she died and then the older one found out that and sliced his brothers throat and of course AFTER that the gypsy told him that, okay sang to him, that it's your bro. AND if you are wondering which opera I'm talking about it's the Troubadour (Trubaduur in Estonian).
"Il trovatore (
The Troubadour) is an
opera in four acts by
Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian
libretto by
Salvadore Cammarano, based on the
play El Trovador (1836) by
Antonio García Gutiérrez." - source Wikipedia.
The first part (until recess) went really fast. It's was like: "Hour already? XD" (Oh, I wish that Estonian lessons would go by that feast XD) Oh, I forgot to mention. The theater we went to was Vanemuine and it's located in Tartu (about 78 km east where I live ^.^)
From the left MP, HP and me ^.^ I really love my outfit and I have to say that MP is the tallest girl in my class so HP isn't the shortest one. And I'm wearing heels, which is very UNCOMMON with me ^.^ But I didn't fall or trip, so they are my best high heels XDD I graduated with them too ^.^
Towards the end of the opera, I sta rted to fall asleep -blush- but not that it was boring XD Just that not enough sleep + sixs hours in school + a dark room = sleepy Natsu ^.^
On Friday, I had a lecture at school. It was about the beauty of Math and then some stuff about
informatics. In my opinion the first presentation was nicer but the second man talked better XD I think that one or two pictures throughout the presentation is goo and not every slide has to have at least one. And after, I met up with Yuki. We went ic-skating without the skates XD Just dragged our feet along the ice and chatted. It is always nice to see her ^.^ And on Sunday I went to her place and the new week begun.
Lately I have had a lot of firsts - first time I went to the opera and the first time (in 10 years) I went skiiing XD Yeah, let's just say first opera was better because I fell 2 times on my butt with skis XDD Yeah, I like moved 5 inches *thump* then another 5 and a hill came. Slinding-sliding *thump* HAHAHA! So yeah, the teacher spend the next hour teaching me different techniques in skiing. Thank god, I only have to ski 4 times to get a 5 and then I don't ever have to get on them again XD In a way, I and TT are different. She loves skiing and dislikes ice-skating, I'm vice versa XD I don't remember how many times I cursed skiing but let's just say that we are kind of frenemies XDD And of course after school I had to prepare for up and coming Valentines day. In Estonia it's kind of considered friendship day, so I folded flowers and made my bestest friend a "painting"

In my opinion, it's not the best one but my mom said: "Don't give that to Yuki, rather give it to me!" and dad said that it was beautiful AND the Yuki herself agreed with dad ^.^ I'm glad :)
And what she gave me! Some REALLY cute stickers, then some delicious cookies and this...
I think it's the most original idea ever and it looks so awesome and next to my "painting" the best thing ever.
On Tuesday, I had another test in Music class, even harder one, and today it was Physics test and tomorrow Social studies and Friday Math...OH BOY! And to top that all off I felt so terrible today. I only went to school to do the Physics test and then I came home.
I have to say, I love the new camera with all the new gadgets and the sharpness and kind of like everything about it XDD But just wait couple of week, I will find a flaw XDD
I don't have a Tumblr account but I found someone else's and that chick is nuts!
http://thinspiration-for-those-who-seek.tumblr.com/ - the link is here if anyone is interested. Basically she admires bulimics and anorexics for their determination to be shinny. Like WHAT THE HELL! It's a disease and not a weight-loss-plan. And to top it all of she gives advice. Everyone asks her about their UGW (Ultimate Goal Wight) if their height is this and that and in her opinion, I, if I'm 175, should weight 48 kg. That is obviously too little. And the worse news is that little 13 year olds follow her (or what ever you do on Tumblr) but fortunately, she has decency to tell them that they are still growing children.
Surely, I want to be skinnier than I am but I wouldn't take ridiculous goal weights and starve myself. And especially when I'm in school. My brain just wouldn't function when I don't eat and if I will reach that UGW that she recommended none of my clothes would fit XDD
Okay, my darlings, I should go and rest now and hopefully I can go to school tomorrow
> ^ . ^ <
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. I'm not much of a photo editor XDD