So, I'm watching MTV's show Made. There is a girl who wants to lose 50-60 pounds and she's walking up the stairs and CRYING! Like what the hell! When you want to lose so much weight you have to exercise. And I don't get the fact why she hates her trainer for it. She is there to help. I think she has better things to do than motivate someone who doesn't want to. That white b*tchh is spoiled little brat. oh, if that isn't enough, she cries when she sees vegetables...-rolls eyes- Actually, she reminds me someone else I once knew...
So, yeah, I have kept my eyes on MTV. I have been watching Plain Jane, I Used To Be Fat, Chelsea Settles, Made and wait for it....Jersey Shore XD I think Plain Jane is my fave because of the host Louise Roe. I think she might be one of my idols. She's fashionable, kind of sassy, confidant and of course gorgeous. She has the most incredible outfits on this show.
Recently I have gained an interest in fashion. I think color blocking is brilliant! but still I have lot to learn ^.^
So about school...offially high school is over :( I have already shed tears for it. The last school day was saddest of them all. Even the Estonian teacher cried and LO made me such nice present - she printed out some of the pictures where we're together. Most of them are from the class wedding but still sweet as ever.
It all is depressing since a period in my life is ending. I have gone to that schoolhouse on September 1 for the last 12 years. But then again another exciting and thrilling period of my life starts XD So, I'm not mourning it so much anymore but I will miss my great friends from high school. It will be sad not seeing them so often but they won't be lost. I promise that I will do my best to keep these friendships ^.^
Now, when the official part is over, I'm having exam lessons which aren't mandatory but good for me. Especially the Estonian lessons XD But then again, there we are just talking about stuff that we have already have talked about but again - Kordamine on tarkuse ema! (Revision is key to wisdom!)
The weather is getting better by the day but then again there are a lot of rainy days, like yesterday (20.04.2012).
Me and Yuki went to Otepää yesterday. I'm rather spontaneous person, and when my mom told me that she and couple of students will go to Otepää to a math competition, I immediately asked her whether I can come with and perhaps grab Yuki with me. After few calls, the next day we headed off to Otepää. This town is famous for the skiing competition(s). Yuki said it's even the winter capital of Estonia (yeah, Estonians like to have different capitals, like for every season + I think Viljandi is the woods capital XD not sure XD) I wanted to go there the most, since I think I haven't been there before :) And let's say it was a pommiauk (bomb hole (trans.) - cities where these nothing much to see and very few people around). And it was raining heavily and despite that we had fun. We joked around and ate lunch at the stairs and just hanged around.
Some random pictures from our little rainy outing ^.^
On the left is a really nice house I liked and the garden also looked great, it might not me my dream house but pretty close ^.^ and the other one is a church we saw outside of Otepää. It had an interesting pictures on the both sides (those dark grey areas).
After finishing lunch on the stairs. The best picture of both of us ^.^
Something random from Natsu XD
And the famous stairs XD So useful right. Yuki said that maybe it's like the wall in Harry Potter but unfortunately we didn't test it out XDD but it was a good place to hold our little picnic.
Delicious looking cake we got. Actually we didn't suppose to have it, since we didn't compete in the math competition but my mom said it was cool to have some ^.^
So, my outer outfit of the day ^.^ Yeah, it was raining all the time and I kind of had a bad hair day XDD
Our second lunch which we got free due to our connections XDD
Some of the pictures Yuki made of me. She, on the other hand, didn't want her picture taken that much... :/ Sad, when a pretty girl doesn't want to stand if front of a camera.
Waiting for lunch ^.^
That last one had to be the biggest fail ever. It was in a German magazine and I was like: "Oh, look Shinee's poster" for the cover but when I opened it in the middle. Yeah, not really what I expect for and when I saw the brother (second on the left), it wasn't DEFINITELY! Shinee. I think it's rather SS501.
Woah, I have been writing this post all day long :D I'm easily distracted XDD And I had a nice walk with my parents. They don't get out much...they are sitting down kind of people. So, time to time that annoying child makes them go outside XDD Okay, it's not that bad...but I'm still worried about their health. I have to admit, I'm not the most healthiest person alive but still. I move around more then they do and I don't eat so much salt and use less grease when I cook.
Today, I felt like eating all the time. I hate that feeling because I usually cave easily XD
I have no idea how Yuki has bared me for so long. When I have an idea, I have to see it through IMMEDIATELY. There is no waiting for me XD My mom detests it because when I see something and want it, I tend to get on her nerves ^.^ To be honest, I'm grateful for Yuki. She the absolute best friend anyone could ever ask for. Surely she has flaws but she is human but she IS perfect for me. I can tell her anything without she judging me. She always listens to me and we can just laugh about the most random things. Yuki is like my twin sister although we are nothing a like. We are quite opposites but that might be a reason why we sometimes fight since we have different views but in a way we get each other. We are the twisted sisters like Meredith and Christina from Grey's Anatomy XDD It may sound weird but Yuki probaly is my soul mate. I would be devastated when we would stop being friends. She's special to me and there isn't anyone who could change that. Not even a guy! and I'll make sure of that ;)
Anyways, time to wrap up. It was good to write again after such a long time. And tomorrow I'm going to answer letters I have kind of put off. So wish me luck ^.^
I kind of like this song XD It's simple and catchy :)
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Ever since the last English exam lesson, I put extra tension on future tenses, what the feathers XD