1. The title was a one word until come my 100th post and it became 2 worded and if I would have kept on writing it, there would be 3 words in title on my 200th post and so on and so forth BUT it didn't start like this...
2. I always ended with XOXO Natsumiiiii (yes there was always 5 "i"s, I was counting XD) and always a PS. but it became harder and harder to write these things.
3. There was a period when I always ended the post with a song :)
But, I will not delete Natsu! because it's just so dear to me but I'm not closing it either, it stays. You can all visit it if you want to but I won't be writing here anymore (too many precious posts here). It's still my first born XD
I remember it like it was yesterday - my first ever blog layout and banner. Jep, perfect for a new born XD
But okay, it's time to say goodbye to this one and say hello to my new blog...click here!
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS: For the last time...