So, last week was actually the first week back to school so mu first thought - OH MY GOD!
And the first day was so-so. Okay, I didn't get any bad grades and had to suffer in only one Estonian lesson but I was tired as hell. Like the night before I only slept for 3 hours but to my own surprise I got up at 6AM with no problem, even had time to spare and ever since that day I have woke up a little too late XDD But around the second social studies and the first English I started to feel sleepy and to be honest I have had sleep problems ever since then. On Monday I finally got on the ice, with ice skates XDD I didn't fall, thank god, but my feet did hurt. What do you want from me? XD It was the first time since last year.
Usually, Tuesdays are Estonian free days but no during last week. My sneaky Estonian teacher went to class teacher, crying that she will lost 2 Estonian lessons and got three -.- nice huh? The class teacher herself says that we need them and of course they aren't bad but still, 3 lessons + 5 that is according to the timetable = insane Natsu. Estonian is just too much pressure. But I had kind of a nice talk with my Estonian teacher. I think that she so to say sinked to my level really helped. She sat on the table XD like me, so it was somehow easier to talk to her. So, I did tell her more freely about my worries and such. She was quite helpful too and now I'm not as afraid as I was before going to her lessons but I'm still terrified about that essay though. Don't want to get another bad grade :/
I really like social studies, I have to say. It's rather interesting lesson and although it talks about everyday life, I still get to know a lot and learn to understand things better. And since I dream of starting my own company one day, this lesson makes me understand thing better (AGAIN XD) Although, I descirbe it as an awesome lesson, I almost fell asleep during last week's (& also today XD) lessons XD It's just that when you haven't slept much and she turns off the light's to see better the screen, It's hard to keep the eyes open XDD Now, I'm contemplating whether I should take the social studies exam or not. I already have 5 exams, so it would be an extra one (In Estonain school pupils have to do Estonian exam + 4 other and 2 of those other have to be national exams other 2 can be school exams or you can make all of them national and the student has to choose on his/her own). So, I could cope with them all since one of them is my research. I think I would discuss this with my class teacher. She will help me to decide.
Hahaha, on Tuesday, I was only the last 5 minutes in the music class. Why? Because before that I had Estonian lesson, after that I had a that little talk with her and after that the class teacher slash math teacher asked me to see her after I was finished. I didn't heard the bell so I did went to see her and talked minutes about Teaduskool (the last task was a real b*tch, like seriously, hated it! who comes up with these things!) and after that I simply waltzed into the music class and everyone was staring of course and sat down, I literally got to be there for several minutes before the teacher said that we can go home.
The best day that I remember is definitely Friday. Why? Because Yuki came to visit. I was so happy to see her ^.^
And what did we do? Nothing much XD But I got to see her, talk to her and then we went for a nap XD Oh, we TRIED to watch a movie but we chatted most of the tim. Like -press paus- and then she... -press play- few seconds pass -press paus- and then he.... -press play- and so on and so forth XD and then we desided to just go to bed because I saw how Yuki's eyes kept closing and I was also tired from lack of sleep. After pushing the wake-up time forward and forward, we took a little walk and send her off to the bus.
Saturday=lazy day. I just laid around and watched Grey, played Sims and just chilled.
But on Sunday I went to Yuki's place. You can't imagine the joy when I saw Yuki's talk jumping around and bringing me the ball. I felt like crying for happiness ^.^ Anyways, Yuki had an eventful Saturday, unlike me, so she had a lot to talk and we were terrorized by a little black dog an evil one to. We were just discussing our things when a barking dog ran to us. Thank god, I didn't wear skin-tight jeans that day, the little home protector grabbed my leg with his sharp teeth. So we stood there a little terrified and waited until the doggy lost interest and disappeared from the sight and then? WE BOLTED. We ran until we couldn't see the house or the dog and then walked and kept talking. And guess he followed up and came again. We still stood there, ignored the barker and when he left we just kept going. And we never saw him again XDD. After our walk, we watched "Spirited Away"
And what do I think of the movie? It was definitely something. Surely, not boring. I think I can't say it was terrific because the love line was...well let me explain. There was a little girl, right and a little boy okay? Well, not really a little boy but a spirit really and there was a big love between them. The girl was too young for that. She looked like 10 or 12 years old, so she can't know about love. So, that was a little drawback for me but Yuki saw a tragedy in it. So, maybe I'm just too idiot to realize it XDD
In the evening I made pizza:
Mom: Great!
Dad: -two thumbs up-
Yuki: Edible
And Natsu, well she can't criticize, she made it but I think it's tasty ^.^ I could eat it more if I could. I'm having problems eating again, I have to confess. It's like, I know I have to eat - my common sense knows it, my tummy knows it and everybody else except my mind. It's like it thinks that if you can't sleep you can't eat. Confusing I know but I am trying my best to get everything back into shape, I promise ^.^
And on Monday...almost fell asleep during social studies, worked hard in English, payed attention in Estonian and finally understood Math (twisted part we are learning now) but the best lesson had to be PE. We skated again. We had a kind of a figure skater there and she showed more challenging exercises which some I totally rocked and others were so-so but the best thing she did was that she finally taught me how to rise my left leg XD Sounds so awkward but let me explain: We all have a foot that a foot that we lean on, mine is my left one, so when we do this cross step (not sure about the right name, though) I tent to put my leg back down really fast because I'm afraid to fall and unfortunately that leads me to almost trip myself. So, what she did was that she guided me step by step how to trust my right one more and it indeed worked. I'm so proud of myself and thankful to the figure skater ^.^
I think it's a very nice way to finish this post. Boring one right XD? But I have couple of test for tomorrow, so wish me luck and sweet dreams to me ^.^
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. The figure skater totally reminded me of Erica Hahn from Grey's Anatomy and she totally held my hand XDD
PS. The figure skater totally reminded me of Erica Hahn from Grey's Anatomy and she totally held my hand XDD