How did I spend my last days of freedom? So, as I told you before I was in Tallinn. Here some pictures, for you guys from the same day I went to see Sherlock Holmes.
Something for the fair ^.^
A view of Tallinn's Old Town + the greatest picture ever made XD
I told you there was a blizzard XD suppose to be me and the model of a cousin. Fortunately there is a much better picture of us ^.^
And then our sanctuary during the storm - McDonalds's!!!
And the best latte ever, especially on a cold day ^.^
And they made it look so good that I kind of felt bad about ruining the artwork and putting on the lid but it had to be done :/
At the movies ^.^
Looking at these pictures, we don't looks like we are related XD
So the next day we started out day a little later (almost 5 hours later XD) because the model needed her beauty sleep. We got on the bus where is saw the weirdest boys ever. They sat at the back of the bus and made sex noises until they got off of it. And one of those "hilarious" boys kept saying "I'm not the queer, they are." I was having a laugh -.- We went to the bookstore, where we spent an hour there (sorry cousin ^.^) and then off to Hesburger. Yeah, I was really on junk food diet in Tallinn but surprisingly didn't gain weight XDD Lucky me! ^.^

And cousin's double cheesburger meal with fries and a Sprite ^.^ ->
Yeah, I'm not so photogenic as she is but I didn't tell you the biggest news - I lot my camera :'( I mean, it has to be somewhere around the house but where? I have no idea. I swear there is a black whole in my room somewhere, sucking my stuff in. Well, anyways, later we goofed at the bus stop and took a long bus drive back to do some cooking ^. ^ We made creamy pasta dish. Tasted pretty good ^.^
Thursday had another bus drive back home but before I got to see the needy boyfriend of the model. Yeah, had to woke up at 6AM, yay, and went by bus about an half an hour and there was a wonderful surprise waiting for us, at least for the model. And the bus was late and I got sick on the bus and some guy sat next to me who just couldn't stop coughing. Yeah, the bus ride was a joy. But my dad picked me up and walked me home. I was pretty exhausted, so I thought I should lay down for few minutes but I fell asleep XD Slept two hours before the doctor and somewhere around five went to LO's place, well actually, we met in Selver to get the ingredients for a pie and then headed off to her place. It was nice just to sit and talk and bake a cake which was delicious and I found out that LO tends to be very impatient XD And same goes to my Sunday night. On that day I was with MP. There we made soup but still sat and talked, I braided her hair and went shopping. Seems like nothing much but I think that days like this you can relax. Don't have to think about too much. And somewhere around that day I made an alien head XD
Aww, she is so cute, NOOT XD Anyways, on Saturday I was at MV's place with Yuki. Played Need For Speed with both of them and sucked at it XD Okay, I'm might be overreacting but I am better at the computer, used to it. And I pleyed with the cutest boy in a PS2, Dante.
And also got to play a new Monopoly Deal card game. The first 2 tries, I had to admit defeat but on the h´third try, I totally destroyed them XD And also the next day I played couple of board games - Alias Junior and Estonia Junior. Those games were too easy. On the first game Akria won and the next Yuki did, so yeah not my day ^.^
So yeah, that's how I ended up spending my vacation. Do I regret it? Hell no! Although my dad says that I should have actually rested at home, since I took long bus rides, I think that my winter break was well spent because I got to see all my friends, go to do what I want and didn't spend all the time in the computer (actually hardly any). I do think that I should have gone to the library at least one time but sadly I was too occupied.
The outfit of the week ^.^
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. I'm thinking about changing something after the 100th post ^.^
gaaaash , mis pilt see üks on , ei pidanud seda panema, ausõna. Pinky :)