Tuesday, August 21, 2012



The promised sleep I didn't get this weekend because guess who discovered party-scene. Okay-okay during high school I went to a couple of parties but not like going to a nightclub for two straight days like I did this Friday & Saturday.
And I had fun! Got to dance, sing, hang out and drink a little on Friday. Well, something else did happen but I don't feel good about discussing it yet. I think it might be a little bit early, since I'm not so sure where is it going for me...short to say, it's too soon.

Last night I didn't get much sleep though. I wasn't exactly thinking of something but somehow I ended up waking up ~5.30AM. I tried to get back to sleep but it was rather useless because once I get up, it's hard for me to get back to sleep.
I think it would actually be a good thing if I had to go to 8AM Finnish lessons but I got a text message (+ an official note) that my Finnish teacher is sick and the lessons are cancelled, so I have to wait a little less than 6 hours for school AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DO! I haven't got any homework yet. In a way, it's good of course but then again I should practice my Finnish more and translating different texts/questions/etc could help me. But, oh well, I can't assign myself homework, so I focus on other things.

I find it hard to explain my days here. I mean it's fun to be here but if I say that we went to the shops, had dinner and walked to school, it doesn't sound fun, huh?
There is something new in everyday and we have developed some inside jokes that only we get and we laugh about, kind of like with Yuki.
I wish that she would be here already. Don't get me wrong! I have great people surrounding me here but I feel like that I don't talk to Yuki as much as I want. In a way I try to stay away from the computer, so I don't think about home so much.
I had a 5 second homesickness on the August 20 when it was Estonian's Day of Restoration of Independence or taasiseseisvumispƤev as Estonians like to call it. I think it was the first time in my 19 years when I have been abroad during that day. It was an important day for Estonia...
Anyways, on that day, I studied the 10 finger system on computer. Yeah, it was no fun. I think I type faster like I usually do and my fingers kept cramping, especially the pinkey.

...don't know what else to say. AGAIN! XD

XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Club hits have been haunting me for days...

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