I know I'm really demolishing my country. Of course there are a lot of good things too. Estonia has over flowing culture, BEAUTIFUL nature and cheap alcohol xD
Anyways, why I'm even touching this subject? Well, today wrote to me another guy who loves Kerli and wants to move here. He stared talking to me to make a friend in Estonia and he's visiting next summer. Yeah, according to my plans I won't be in Estonia whole next summer. I sincerely hope I can fulfill my plans ^^
What I have been up to lately? well, living my free life xD The biggest thing what has changes is that I worry constantly what to eat. I sound like a pig (only thinks about eating) but since I have to do all the cooking now, it normal right? Well, what else? Oh, now I'm afraid of drafts. They are so creepy. I'm just washing dishes when the door creaks. I'm like yay! someone is home but then again no one can come. Yeah, it was a really messy sentence and I don't know how to so-to-say clean it up but please bare with it. (It's after 2AM, so no wonder that Natsumi cannot put together a proper sentence).
I have been hanging out with Yuki too. Yesterday I was at her place and we watched Vampire Dairies, like I promised, and it was fun. Only bad news, in watching them, is that soon it will be over. I mean, I have the whole season 2 but season 3 isn't out yet. When did it came out? That's right, September 15. Hey, on that day my eye-candy, Lee Jungshin, becomes a year older. That reminds me, I have been meaning to tell you about him. I wrote a huge piece for him in my last blog but I just have to talk about him more ^^

Well, he's super cute, right? At first I noticed him because of his height. He's like 186 or something like that. And he was the tallest member in CN Blue. Jungshin is the bassist of the band and he also raps a little. Well at least that's written in his profile and there is also little rapping involved in "Love Girl". That was the video that drew me into CN Blue. What else about him? Hm..well the weirdest thing, or rather sweetest I would say, but that thing earned him a name byuntae. Anyways that thing is that he likes when a girl writes on her back. Sweet right? Well, after that statement they started to discuss how tall he was that the girl couldn't even reach to his back etc.
We went shopping today with Yuki. She needed new pair of jeans and I was her personal shopper today. I think I rather succeeded. I found her the best jeans ever. They make her legs seem longer and hides what she is self-conscious about. Sounds perfect right?!
Well, my awful bruises haven't healed much. I think they have gotten worse. Yuki compared them with plague. Really reassuring right?! They are like grey or something and speaking of my legs. I have worked out lately. We don't walk much with Yuki lately so I have to put my energy somewhere. So, I have been on the bike that my stepsister gave me. It's like a home work-out machine. It's rather good but after 30 minutes my butt gets sore. Too much information? I think so too xD Oh, but I figured out where I got my blue, almost black, marks. Swinging. That night when we went out with KJ and TJ, we went swinging by the beach. I think when I was swinging must have pumped my legs hard enough to make the bruises. I have a very sensitive skin. I can't lean on my leg with elbows for five minutes without getting red marks on my legs. I hate it! When I wear a skirt or shorts I can't but my leg over the other because the red marks.
I'm having a conversation now with a Korean guy who is convinced that the fact that he hasn't had a girlfriend, makes him a less of a man. WHY? I mean come on! By not having someone is, in my pov, better. You can be who you want, talk to who you want and you can just hang out with your friends without anyone clinging to you. Seems like paradise to me :) I think I'm too stubborn to function with anybody and too spontaneous. I like to do what I want when I like to. Yuki knows it the best. She has spend the most time with me. When I say "I want some ice cream" I just stand up and go to buy my ice cream. I won't think of the money (which is very important) and the trouble. I just go and do it. And I'm capable of trowing a cart-wheel when I like it....I really feel sorry for the guy who eventually gets me xD
Anyway, my darling, I really should hit the sack now. It's almost 3.30AM
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. I once had a boyfriend but it was a short relationship and he eventually moved to Norway. I know what you're thinking, no he didn't run away from me :D
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