Saturday, October 29, 2011

Long awaited guests should be arriving soon but frankly I'm too tired to care. I just want to hide myself under a blanket because I have so many thought going through my mind, so I'm not looking forward to being social at the moment. But enough about those depressing thoughts.

Anyways we did the last shopping this afternoon and might I say we have food for like 50 and there will be coming only about 4 guests. Not good!? Then who eats all of that food?!
Today at the store dad bought so many things and I kept complaining that "Who will eat that?" "Is this really nessasary?" ETC and all that mom said was that dad has a vision



Well I have a vision of not blowing up XD Although I wouldn't mind that cake and the ice cream ^.^

Anyways, since my dad isn't fond of b-day parties (or parties what so ever) then today's guest will be another family with 2 children (12 and 4 years old) so in a way I'm also a babysitter. So, I really need to perk up before they arrive.

And I have to say that there is a delicious smell coming out of the kitchen ^.^

XOXO Natsumi ^^
PS. I'm starving already XD

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