Monday, October 17, 2011


So yeah, I was planning to write today but since I was a little stuck with Teaduskool and another thing + I haven't done any Literature homework for weeks and I have news of my eye.

Basically it is as bad as the doctor originally thought and I have to go to Tartu to an eye clinic (Tartu has the best medicine) and see some doctor and then I will have laser surgery where they make little scars in my eyes and the whole what was in layer in the eye suppose to melt together OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. October 25 is the official day and after that I will continue with my blog and ruin my newly fixed eye again. Great plan, isn't it XD?

But as for now, I have to say good-bye again. I will probably write before the surgery too because you have no idea how much I have missed blogging ^.^

I should add a song too (like I always do recently) but PONPONPON is still my fave but I have begun to listen to Block B, so there I a song from them :)

XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. I <3 Coca-Cola

1 comment:


    suggest you to listen to it :D
    LEN could turn the whole world into Shota, if only people gave him a chance :/

    Anyways, hope everything will turn out the best for you.

    ~HWAITING!!! :D
