Thursday, July 5, 2012


I know I promised to write yesterday but the day got ahead of me!
I woke up early but didn't get out of the bed right away (read fanfictions XD), then went to the store with my parents (I will miss that :/) and we wasted a "little" money XDD Yeah, but we did buy a blender, so no wonder XDD
So, somewhere around 3PM me and my mom went my mom's friend's house who gave us massages. It was kind of relaxing but also pinchy XDD Hopefully, we are going there this Saturday too.
And as soon as I got inside my room, Yuki called and I went to meet her. We had a nice time - ate dinner, watched Pirates of the Caribbean + ate popcorn and later had a little walk.

But now for the big news ^.^

But it wasn't that easy. At first I got wait-listed. And you can't even imagine how mad I was...
Anyways, I had 4 choices:
1) Accept the fact that I'm wait-listed and wait for an opening
2) Choose the media-assistant course (Yuki's course - PS. She got in right away)
3) Choose the compter techinician course (JL's couse and he also got in right wonder I was bitter)
4) Decline
My first thought was to take choice number 4). I think I was afraid of another no...but I did tick the first one. And couple of weeks ago I got, first a text message then an e-mail from the Finnish school.
It was so sweet how caring they were. I'm the only Estonian in my course, so they were worried about me getting lonely ^.^ How cute is that! XD Anyways, I said I'll accept the challenge in Finnish, which HT helped me with.
And couple of days ago I got an huge envelope from that school. It had 3 page text in Estonian and then a lot of Finnish. Then there are these different certifications and timetables....crazy stuff XD

The bad news is that, although me and Yuki got both in that school, I have to go there over a month earlier. Good luck to me!
I hope I'll survive XDD

Something from this Monday ^.^
So, me and Yuki met on Monday. My mom bought me contact lenses for this and next month and went to the store, had a little drama but I have learned to let it go.
Later on we met up with Akira. We had milkshakes. Me and Yuki had also some fries. We just hang.out and Yuki talked about our childhood. Me and Yuki are friends since the 5th grade and she has an excellent memory, she talked how badass I was when we met and stuff XD Yeah...
We also walked around Viljandi and took couple of photos ^.^
It was fun, just being with friends :)

XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Got a package from China. Telling you guys about it on the next post.


  1. Okay, you guys need to start using real names :D! JL and HT ?-facepalm-XD
    Oh and you were supposed to show us, what you got from China ... I can see a juice XD. You ordered juice from China :'D?

    1. Hahaha, protecting people's privicy, (I think) they know who they are, so no harm done ^.^
      Heh no, but they are all wrinkled up and I ant to show them properly ^.^
