I don't like Pekka's lessons, I'm being completely honest. I belive, that she may be a great person and so on but I don't like how she teaches and of course I'm not happy when I have to answer in Finnish. Sanna took under cosideration that I'm not good in Finnish, so she asked me rarely or let me speak in Engish. Pekka isn't that kind, I had to read in front of the class, and I read out word that I have hardly heard before and she had the nerve to tell me that I suck at speaking. Okei, I get it, I have to practise speaking in Finnish but I would prefer to start with the basics. Okei-okei, I will stop whining.
Noh, täna on reede ja jälle üks nädal on läbi saand, mis tähendab, et üks nädal lähemale sellele, et ma saaks tagasi Eestisse. Saaks jälle vanemaid näha, kes mind kohutavalt igatsevad.
Well, it's friday and again one week has passed which means that one week closer getting back to Estonia. I get to see my parent who miss me so much.
Ja KLASSI KOKKUTULEK tuleb! Te ei kujuta ette, kui sillas ma olin, kui me kuupäeva paika saime. Meil oli minu meelest nädal pärast lõpetamist juba teemaks, et me peaksime tegema klassikokkutuleku. Ma oleks hea meelega oma klassi näinud juba eelmine vaheaeg, aga kahjuks/õnneks, käivad enamus mu vanad klassikaaslased ülikoolis ja esimene vaheaeg tuleb alles jõulude ajal. Vahepeal jäi teema vaiksemaks, aga kui ma nüüd ükspäev foorumisse kirjutasin, siis kohe saime kuupäevad paika ja isegi koha kuhu minna. Super luks! Praegu on see 22-23 detsember - ma ei tea, kas mõlemad päevad või ainult üks. Muidugi kallid klassivennad ütlesid, et mis valik? 22 hakkame jooma, 23 jätkame ja 24 lähme pohmakaga jõule vastuvõtma. Hea plaan XD!
And A CLASS REUNION is coming! You can't even imagine how happy I was when we set the date. After a week of graduation we had a subject on a reunion. I would have loved to see my class during autumn break but most of my old classmates go to university and their first break is during Christmas. We didn't talk about it for a while but one day I just wrote to the class forum and quicly we got the date and a place. Awesome! At the moment it's 22-23 december - I don't know if both of the days or only one. Of course the boys from my class said that there is no choise! On the 22nd we start drinking, we will continue on the 23rd and on the 24th we celebrate Christmas with an hangover. Good plan! XD

Muidugi ma ootan ka seda, et kallid sõbrannasid näha ^.^
Of course, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends ^.^
Õnneks, ma enamusi näen ka klassikokkutulekul ;)
Luckily I will see the most of them during class reunion ;)
Kindlasti hakkan igatsema siinseid kallikesi,
Surely I will miss my darlings here,
aga hea uudis on see siia ma tulen varsti jälle tagasi, kui ma muidugi pratika kohta ei saa Eestisse. Aga jah, praktika. Ma ei ole sellest vist varem rääkkinud, et ma pean sooritama praktika 7. jaanuarist kuni 17. veebruanini (6 nädalat). Eile käisime Kerstiga erinevates poodides praktika kohta küsimas, aga enamustel oli praktikant juba olemas niiet Cittarisse minek XD (K-Citymarket tegelikult). Aga jah, see pole hetkel veel kindel, aga ma loodan selle peale.
Mõtlesin, igaks juhuks proovida ka Eestisse minekut siis. Eks ma pean siis kirjutama neile, et äkki võtavad praktikale, et mingigigiii koht oleks olemas. Okei, tõsi, kool aitab otsida praktika kohta, aga probleem on selles, kas kõik praktika kohad mulle sobivad.
but the good news is that I will be coming hereback soon, if I don't get a internship in Estonia. But yeah, internship. I think I haven't mentioned this before but I have to do an intership from January 7th to Ferbruary 17 (6 weeks). Yesterday, me an Kersti went to different shops to ask for an intership but most of them already had someone, so I have to go to K-Citymarket. But yeah, I'm not sure about that one yet but I'm counting on it.
Thought about trying go to Estonia then. So, I have to write, maybe they take someone, so I would have at least somewhere to go. Okay, it's true, school helps to find an intership but the problem is, if it suits me.
Praktikas veel, et üks õhtu läksin üksind suitsule. Ardi ja Anti olid ka väljas ja Ardi lambist küsib, et kas tööd tahad.
"Mis sul pakkuda on?"
"Millist tööd tahad?" XD
Igatahes, tulid sinna minu juurde ja uurisid kelleks ma saada tahan - ürituste korraldajaks - hakkavad ajama, et ajou me ostsime SPA ära ja otsime töötajaid, ehk siis PR töö siis sulle, okei, Anti võtab köögi enda peale ja Ardi üldise juhatamise. Lubasid 6000€ palka ka maksta XD Aga üllatavalt Ardi jättis meelde minu unistuste töökoha ja järgmine päev pakkus mulle päris tõsiselt praktika kohta. Ütles, et annab mulle kontaktid küll seal ühele ja teisele kohale, et ma mõtleks selle peale. Ideaalis tahaks nii, et selle talvepraktika teeks ikka siin Soomes, eelkõige keele pärast. Aga suvel, kuigi kool ei nõua praktikat tahaks minna sinna ürituste korraldamisesse praktikale. Võib-olla tahaks tööle rohkem, aga ma ei tea, kas nad võtavad mind põhimõtteliselt ilma hariduseta. Okei-okei, mul on lõpetatud keskharidus, hea seegi, aga ma kardan, et see jääb ikkagi väheks. Aga proovida võib ^.^
More about intership, one night I went out alone for a smoke. Ardi and Anti were also outside and suddenly Ardi asked, if I wanted a job.
"What do you have to offer?"
"What kind of job do you want?" XD
Anyways, they came up to me and basically asked who I want to be - events organizer - amd they start talking about how they bought a Spa and they are looking for employees and I will have the PR job and, okay, Anti will take care of the kitchen and Ardi the rest of the management. They promised to pay me 6000€ per month XD But suprisingly Ardi kept in mind my dream job and the next day he seriously offered me an intership. He said that he would give me the contacts of one and another place, so I would have to think about that. Ideally, I want to do this winter intership in Finland, mostly because of the language. But in the summer, althought the school doesn't reqire intership at that thime, but I would like to do that events organizing intership. Maybe I would like to work more but I don't know if they take me without almost any education. Okay-okay, I have finished high school, which is good, but I'm afraid that it would still be too little. But I can always try ^.^
Mitäs muuta? Mitte midagi vist. Plaanikohaselt olen see nädalavahetus korralik. Mul on koduseid töid teha ja arvuti tahab puhastamist ja ma loodan, et saan täna pilte printida, et saaks neid seina peale panna ^.^
What else? I think nothing much. According to plan I will be decent this weeken. I have homework and my computer needs cleaning and I hope I can print out some photos, so I can hang them up on the wall ^.^
Aga okei kallikesed...mulle täitsa meeldib eesti keeles kirjutada, aga tõlkima peab ikka, kui päris palju välismaalasi loeb ^.^
Okay, my darlings...I kind of like writing in Estonian, but I still have to translate if I get so many foreign readers ^.^
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Nobody ask about the tile! XD
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