My reaction: NO WAY!?!
So, what has Natsumi been up to these, hmm..., two weeks now? ^^
Well, I'll open my hundred sticky notes, (arrange them a little) and tell you all about my exciting life ^^
Well, firstly, I did met up with MS and Yuki but day before that, Saturday, I cleaned my entire room and I'm still so proud of myself when I was finally able to see the floor XD Okay, but with those two. With Yuki we had a rather quiet afternoon together. We just chilled out on the computer because she was in a lot of pain. She just got out of a boot camp or something like that.
But with MS there was a rather difficult story. Firstly, we settled that when I drove off from Yuki's, I'll give her a call, which I did and SHE DIDN'T PICK UP! And then again and finally I went off to the town myself - I had stuff to do - and gave up on her and yeah, I was pissed to but once I got to home again and saw her on MSN. Basically, she was having a tough time and, even though I was mad, we met up anyways and had a really nice talk. The best news is that I could make her feel better ^^.
September 12th
Everyone got sick during the weekend. We had another couple of people to do the overviews and one of them, LT, sniffed after every single sentence and of course Natsumi herself battles with a running nose every day.
Oh, after the Estonian lesson, I sent TT home. She was sick AGAIN. She has missed so many school days that I'm starting to worry but she is a very smart girl and I'm sure that she will catch up. I mean, we often fight about it. She is sure that she isn't that smart (& I'm sure that she will disagree with me by reading this too) but to me she is one of the smartest peoples I know.
September 13th
I didn't see TT at all :/ but I'm glad that she stayed home to rest but I did miss her. Especially in History class. I had to sit with AL and I'm really not a fan of him. Before we were forced to sit together, I thought of him as a fun guy but rather lonely but now I understand why. After sitting one class together, he announced me that I was a mean girl. AFTER ONE FREAKING LESSON which only lasted for 45 minutes. And why he thought that way? We had to pair up and check someone's essay. When the owner of the essay found out that we were grading it, he started to butter us up -.- and even tried to bribe us. I hate flatterers...well people who does everything (EXCEPT STUDY) to get good grades. So, yeah, I graded fairly and he got a four. CRY ME A RIVER! So yeah, AL decided that I was a meanie for putting a 4 on an essay which deserved only a four, even the writer himself admitted that he didn't make much of an effort.
During Physics (which I have 3 on that day) and in the brakes HR was nervous about the coming English test. Me and him go to a different English groups, I didn't have that dreadful test, so I tried to help him. I asked the words in Estonian and he was suppose to tell me them in English. Let's just say he didn't ace them, so after 3 or 4 words he yanked the papers. And guess what!? The test didn't happen XD
That night I started thinking about Yuki's birthday present. Yes, she had a birthday on Friday, party on Saturday, and I need to make her something. I bought her a sweater form China but it just arrived yesterday so yeah, I needed to make something special for her. I have a hard competition in there. She has always got beautiful handmade things from her friends when I barely made her a card (which sucked BTW). So yeah, I thought about origami. I found a site where they taught origami daisies but it was too hard to learn from the pictures, so I found a video.
Anyways, I practiced making them until I went to my stepsister's daughter's birthday party. She turned 1 and, Yuki said, it felt like she was born just yesterday. She was so cute and I was the only one to whom she said thanks to ^^ Let's just say, I'm good with kids. I used to babysit one regulary too but lately my help isn't needed. It's kind of sad, I kind of miss that little ball of sunshine :)
Oh, I have to say. When the sister put the little one to bed, she told me that she really loved my outfit and I have turned into a fashionista. At first it sounded rather ridiculous but when I got to think about it, maybe I am. But I would say that my fashion isn't something that you see on everyone on the streets. So yeah, I put together different outfits but not according to latest trends,
So, I think that's it for the day. I have to go to bed rather early. Tomorrow I will have another Oriflame gig and I have to be well-rested for it.
Have a good night/day everyone and I will continue (& maybe someday reach to the present). But for now...
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Dreadful is my favorite word - not because of the meaning but the spelling is great.
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