Friday, September 2, 2011


I'm pissed! I'm trying to be a good human being and quess what nobody is working together with me. Basically, I found a bank card and a driver's licence, like I told you yesterday, so today I went to the bank and tried to give both of them and announced the owner that I will take them there and guess what?! Swedbank only took the bank card and told me that the driver's license must be take to the police station and I have to file a report to found a lost document. My thought: Screw this! Police station is in way across town, in another borough, and I'm not looking forward to going there. So, I contacted the owner again and told him that he should call me when he is around my house.
When people make it so hard to be a good citizen then no wonder when nobody does it.

So, a little less angering subjects. I went to Yuki's place. Got to listen to the rewrite of her story and after that the depression hit. To be honest, I felt a little insecure before it but when Yuki went online and wrote her blog, I was kind of left alone with my thoughts and yeah, I moped and hid myself under a blanket.

Kind of like this ^^

But we went for a walk and sat in a BEAUTIFUL scenery, my mood started to get better. I really love sitting there and just talk, although I could do better without those ANNOYING bugs.

XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Sorry for the weird order.

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