I like it really much ^^ It's very colorful and I wore those pearl in my 9th grade graduation too. I wore them a little differently, though. For those who don't know - Estonian middle school ends with the 9th grade and after that comes high school with only 3 years. And those years are over for me...But hey, I could wear that necklace in the high school graduation too, so, it will become as a tradition ^^
And btw, that shiny red car in the back in my daddy's ^^ He takes care of that car like all the time. It's never dirty and always this shiny like Shinee xD Mom always talks that daddy's car is his first love than comes mom, grandma and his 2 daughters.
Anyways, the anniversary dinner was delicious as hell. I think this time I liked the main course more than the dessert. The dessert was cottage cheese cake and an alcoholic drink of choice ^^ Doesn't it look great?!
Yuki invited me to her place tomorrow. I'm not really sure what we will be doing there but I'm thinking of that we'll watch an anime, which she found today. It was about this manga that we have both already read, so yeah, we are pretty excited about it ^^
But now I'm sleepy as hell, so I'm off to bed. Tomorrow, or now today I will write about me and Yuki's hang-out ^^
Oh, I forgot to write why the title is Opera. Well, there is this Super Junior song, which I like called Opera. It's one of the songs from the new album.
Just look at that picture. Do you know now know why I'm afraid of the concept? :D
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Korean pop band Boyfriend's song "You & I" is pretty great. You should definitely hear it!
I love this song .. is electric and so that it is just humming under his breath