Anyways, I noticed that in the last entry I was too busy to remember what I did in the past few days and totally forgot to write about that day.
The highlights had to be hanging out with Yuki and dad.
With Yuki we walked around the town and looked for party venues. Why? Yuki is turning 18 next month, exactly on September 16 (& day before that Vampire Diaries Season 3 comes out & Jungshin turns 20 ^^) Anyways, Yuki is planning her birthday for the first time (usually her mom takes over) but this year, I decided to be the party arranger. I have always wanted to be one ^^ We checked the local cafes and just looked around and two of them seemed the most suitable. I send an e-mail to one of them and I'm planning to call for the other one on Monday.
After I send Yuki off to the bus station, I stayed with my dad for an hour and we fixed up the car. Or he did and I read the manual, which was in German, and held the instruments. But I liked it, I got to know more about cars and it was interesting as hell. Just how many gadgets there are and how they work. Dad promised me that he would teach me how to change a tire. I'm REALLY looking forward to that.
But soon mom noticed us from the kitchen window and asked me to come inside and boil some rice (we had rice and meat that day)
The next day Yuki came to town again. I was cleaning when she arrived. I was cleaning for today. I'll tell you about it later...Anyways, we went for a walk this time. Since it was Saturday we couldn't do any planning, we just hung out. Somewhere in the Castle Hills, LS called and asked where were we and what were we up to. She joined us and we got a little rain too, which to me and LS it was a nightmare - our hair would get curly/frizzy - but Yuki was like: "Are you made of sugar or something?" It was fun hanging out with those two (not that it's boring with just Yuki) but to me I prefer one-on-one time more because sooner or later the third person would feel uncomfortable. Basically in our case, there was some Shou impersonating, some pedobears and just goofing off ^^
I really don't remember what I did rest of the day. Probably because I was so worried about Sunday...Oh, I watched couple of movies. One was "Forces of Nature" and the other which I wasn't planning on watching but I did anyways was "In Her Shoes". And I worked out a little. And talked to Yuki a little.
Anyways, on Sunday...I dressed up like this. I know I look AWFULLY fat in this picture but it was the best of them. Trust me! But I went to another mass today (or should it be yesterday now). There was a new teacher in the congregation, so I wanted to check him out. And he had an amazing voice I have to say but it's still nothing compared to Kyuhyun ^^

So, we are getting to the beginning time only now I have couple of more things to add. I made Livestream today ^^ Who would have guessed? XD Anyways, I was on it for almost 3 hours with Yuki watching me (I wasn't really comfortable showing it to EVERYONE else. And now my shoulder is killing me - I'm not made to sit behind the computer OBVIOUSLY...
But what kind of post would it be without Kpop. At the moment, I have this song stuck in my mind. I'm not very fond of that song. The lyrics are kind of depressing...
I love 2ne1! I think they are one of the best Kpop artists out there but I think it's kind of cliche for them to sing it. I mean, almost half of Kpop depends on appearances and for them to sing that they are ugly seem...I don't know the exact word. There are millions of small girls who look up to them. But, yeah, "The beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Okay, my dear ones, I should really get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day and I will go to Yuki's house. Oh, but I have to say, from Tuesday to Sunday, I will be away and there is no chance to write anything. So, if I'm smart then I'll write something every night to Word or somewhere and then the next post (or maybe if I write tomorrow, the next next post) will be really long.
XOXO Natsumiiiii ^^
PS. Although, I keep saying I'm fat and stuff, I don't have low self-esteem and I don't hate myself. I think I'm ALMOST as beautiful as I can be :)
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